Monday, October 27, 2008

Worthless day #2

The day truly started out with so much potential! I had rested all day yesterday with hopes that God and Mother Nature would have been hard at work fixing the hole in my back. After a few minutes with Matt Lauer this morning, I found that the aforementioned were probably busy with larger problems and my headaches were back.

I watched as Jay readied himself for work and left, knowing that I would not be bothering anyone today with my head issues and I would be off to class with Madeline and Em. Us girls played and read books, all the while thinking that I just had to make it to nap time so that I could rest.

I put a precautionary call into my neurologists' nurse, Peggy, just to make sure that there was not something debilitating that could happen to me with these headaches. She immediatly said that she was calling in a "blood patch" for me. Ugh. Don't people know that I have plans for a busy day. I have kids to raise, a house to clean, etc. - Eh, who am I kidding, just kids to raise - The pleasant thoughts of getting rid of these headaches overtook my stubborness and I called Jay. He came home, we swung the girls by my good friend Mary's house - she is just great! Jay and I are so lucky to have our families here for us and some really great friends willing to help out on a whim - and we were off to Methodist again.

The only other experience I have had in hospitals were when I had the girls and that was great. Perfect days in every way! I am starting to find that it is not all that exciting all the time in the hospitals.

I was prepped by a great anisthesiologist (sp?) and his nurse. The procedure did not take that long, but they made me sit around for quite a while. By the sounds of it, there were several other people in the surgery area who would have traded places with me in a minute.

Back home, Jay the wonder husband - I always knew he was wonderful, but at times when you need him to step up in other areas, he really shines - set me up in bed and there I spent the remainder of the day. Watching all the fun go on around me.

As I sit here, I can breifly tell that my headaches have lessened, but my back hurts like something else! Whatever. I am just very lucky. Things are good.

For anyone that may be reading this and finding out about my MS diagnosis, I just ask that you don't feel sorry for me or think the worst. As my family and I find out more and more, it is a disease that comes in many forms and for most, you feel just fine most of the time with only periodic episodes. You can learn more about MS by visiting the link above. Lots and lots of people have it, probably people that you run into everyday. You just don't know it.

Now that I am done with these pain in the ass tests and will be resting until about mid-day tomorrow (Jay is very strict with making sure that I adhere to the 24 hour wait), I will be back to 100%. Hoping to not have to take Jay away from work again for quite sometime - he really does love his job - and get the girls back on their schedule. . . Until tomorrow.

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