Just to get everyone on the same page and up to date. About a month ago Andrea started to have some feeling in the right side of her body like it had fallen a sleep. She saw a doctor, and Andrea said "you know, it feels like a pinched nerve" the "doctor" said " no it's not a nerve it's in your brain. Well that's a relief, wait a minute what the hell did she say? So she was scheduled for an MRI and then a follow up a week later. Well in the mean time of waiting and wondering, her vision in her right eye had started to get blurry. Then on Sat. October 4th she was having trouble breathing. I enlisted the power of her Mother Kim and Step Father Don to take her to the hospital so I could stay home with the sleeping beauties. Then Andrea called me and said they were going to do an MRI right away. Soooo I got the kids over to a neighbors house(Kim and Ray, across the street) and of course Maddie was having nothing to do with it. So I took her with me. The results of the MRI came back and it was great news, well as good as it can be when they scan your brain. The found no tumors and no blood clots, but they did see signs of MS. So we waited and worried. Then we met with a great doctor and talked for a while. To shorten this whole story a little bit on Friday the 24th of October we went and Andrea went through a battery of tests. Next step will be meeting with the good doctor on November 5th to see whats next.
That's the looooonnnnggg and the short of whats happening here.
This blog is not going to be all doom and gloom, but I thought some people would like to have the update.

The girlies are doing great, we have already had two Halloween parties. They are looking forward to Friday.
Bye for now.
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