A trip to Big Lots with my girlfriend, Jane and her granddaughter Mia, proved to be successful for a Sleeping Beauty Tiara and new sippy cups - everything that I do not need, but was certain to go home with. I don't think that Madeline has yet to realize that the baby stroller that she filled with a key chain, a bag of chips, two oversized Crunch bars and some cinnamon gum did not come home with us and was mearly a diversion to keep her happy on our shopping trip.
Everyone was happy when we made it to our usual Wednesday lunch stop of McDonalds. It is funny how a contained play area for the kids and a table for the moms is enough to make things perfect. I know that Emma, Mia and Lydia had a great time. Liz, Jane and I always have a good time, and Madz is still plotting her escape from the play area.
Nap time is always a part of the day that I so look forward to. I love those little beans more then anything in the world, but to have an hour during the day to rest (or, perhaps, have an uninterrupted phone conversation) is totaly rejuvination. On this day, I reluctantly turned down a visit from Ashley to rest on the couch. My back was anxious to get back to what it had been used to the past several days. Knowing that Oprah wasn't on the tv when I first layed down, I realized that my body must have needed sleep.
Fall weather like today is something to take advantage of. Took the girls to Lake Momma Park - the swingset in the backyard. Oh, the fresh air is great! The dogs ran, the kids played and laughed. What could be better!!
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