My headache is gone and now I move around like I am 80 years old woman or like I have a giant stick up my ass. I have a fear that if I do too much with my back, I will move the man-made blood clot off of the magical spot.
Spent the morning on the couch. Jay, again being the wonderfully dutiful father, got the girlies dressed and Emma off to school this morning. I took in a little bit of "Ellen" - that Chris Rock is darn funny - and waited for Jay and Madz to get back home.
For a while, I watched Jay flutter around the house trying to pick up toys and organize things. I wonder if he is thinking about how amazing I am for doing this everyday?? humm. I sat on the couch watching Madeline play and interacting as much as possible. All that was needed would be a Pall Mall cigarette, some bon-bons and Jerry Springer - mother of the year!
At almost exactly 1pm - not less then 24 hours after my procedure - the dictator let me off the couch to move around. My head felt great, the back, not so much. With that news, Jay got dressed and went to work. It doesn't take much for the Viera Empire to collapse, therefore the master has to be off to make some shillings.
My babes off to dreamland after much negotiation with the almost 3 1/2 year old - whoever said the twos were terrible, never experienced a three year old. Those of you with kids out there will most certainly agree - I was able to carefully get somethings done.
Wow, I feel like almost a normal human being. Having realized that I haven't been out of my home since the day of tests on Friday, I can't wait for tomorrow. A playdate with a couple of my favorite gal pals!!
And to top off a nice day, Jay grilled a fantastic pork tenderloin. Yum.
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