This weekend has been so very busy that at the end of the evening, I am just too pooped to write. Here is the synopsis of my weekend so far:
Friday was Jay's and my anniversary - 10 years! And they said that it wouldn't last. Well, no one said that (at least not to our faces), but we are still here and going strong! We also learned on Friday that Jay will have to be spending the next 4 weeks out of town - alternating in between Michigan and Iowa. We are very disappointed and he is less then happy about spending the next four weeks or more out of town. Not to mention his birthday is next Thursday and he won't even be with his little family here to celebrate!
Also on Friday the girls and I made it down to the U for a follow up appointment with my funny neurologist for the research study that I am participating in. I gave Emma the short and sweet speech about please being quiet and sitting patiently for the short time in the office. She maust have heard the opposite of what I said because th girls were crazy!! Madeline was herself, but magniied by Emma acting out. It was a very challenging half an hour to say the least. I was so angry with Emma, that when we got the jewlery store to pick up Jay's anniversary gift I told her in no uncertain terms to sit in the chair and don't move until I was done. She actually listened!
Anyway, that afternoon I dropped the girls off at Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don's for an evening of fun and a slumber party. Jay and I were off to a dinner at a restaurant called Heidi's. It was fantastic. The food tasted terrific and looked even better. We had a great, long dinner able to do A LOT of talking and A LOT of reminiscing about the past (almost) 15 years. We made a couple of other stops before heading home. I think that I had about 2 drinks too many but we are NEVER without the kids for time alone so we weren't about to go hoome and sit around. We tok advantage of our time and had one of the best times out together that we had in years.
Saturday morning we got up, putzed around and went to pick up the girls. Then we were off to our next stop for a birthday gift and on to a birthday party for a little friend of ours. It was a great time. But, by the time naps rolled around, we were certainly all ready! And nice long naps we took indeed.
Playing, dinner and time together occupied the rest of the night. Although on this evening, in talking with my mom, I found out about a tragic "accident" that happened to a good friend of the families. His demons have finally found him and are now making him fight for his life. Very sad time and one that makes us hug our kids longer and harder. Lots of prayers have been said and will be said until his body can decide where it needs to be.
Sunday came and we were off to church, then to McD's. When leaving the parking lot we spotted a group of ducklings without their mother trying to cross a busy road. So of course, we hopped out, ran around like crazy people saving ducklings. Oh, they were so, so cute! Tiny beaks and pathetic little wings. Sadly we had to leave before one was found. Hoping and praying that he made his way back to his little family.
Came home and did some hard playing, spent some time with neighbors, worked lots in the garden and went for a walk. The girls napped and we did little things around the house. Then out to dinner to celebrate all 4 of our birthdays and our anniversary with grandpa Al, Grandma Nicki, Grandpa Bob and Grandma Dar. Afganistan might not get lots of things right, but one thing that they do get right is thir food. It was awesome!
It is late and another full day of playing ahead. Must take advantage of our last day together before Jay is off on his long treks around the upper midwest perfecting the business of car washes!
I am still working off of Emma's little camera. The photos are ok, and I was taking lots of photos today with my film camera. Hoping to get those back soon.
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