Story time at the library was lots of un. With a new gal there who has worked with kids, it is a nice time for kids to become more acquianted with books.
Durig nap time the door bell rang - Ugh! I should think about putting up my sign again "Do not knock or ring doorbell, babies sleeping". I previously had that up when the visits from the Harry Krishnas (sp?), the magazine sales people and the political people was out of hand. However today, the bell ringing was from a gentleman from the city coming to talk with me directly about the issues (yes, still continuing) that we are having with the new curb that has already cracked and some other things wrong with the driveway. Amongst clearing up my expectations with him about these things, he turned to me and said, "I wanted to tell you something on a personal basis. Last time I was at your house you mentioned that you were diagnoses with MS." I do remember telling him that ecause fr some reason it came out in conversation and I remember thinking to myself, "Why the hell did I just say that to him". He went on to say that his wifes grandma - Grandma B - had MS. She was diagnosed when she was 27, and she just passed away recently at the age of 93. Only in the last 10 years did she use a walker. So nice to hear someting like that.
Anyway, my city guy wrapped up our conversation by saying to salways keep my head up and stay active and positive and if I ever need a pick me up to call him and he will tell me the story again of Grandma B - oh, and my driveway should be FIXED and done soon.
The girls have had a heavy dose of playing and working things out. Actually it is more like Emma is tryin to push the limits so very far. And Madz fights back. But, on the flip side, their play is so very awesome. They will play and talk and joke.
One day down, couple more to go before Jay gets home!
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