All of us, even me, was pretty amazed by Madeline and her total "no fear" attitude. There isn't much, if anything, that she is bothered or scared by. She will jump to, from and off anything and try it all. At one point she fell from a ladder just as I was stepping in to grab her. Thankfully she didn't smack her mouth on the metal bar like I felt like I could see happening. Nope, she just hit the ground, I stepped back to figure out which reaction I should take, she got up wiped off her hands and looked at me with a smile and said, "I went boomers". Then ran away.
We eventually walked back to our house. Super Mary and I had lots of catching up to do, so we probably could have walked several more miles. But, we at least got the important stuff out of the way. At home, Madz went straight into her bed for a nap and after negotiating with an overly tired 4 year old, Emma was in bed.
I neglected to say that this morning, before breakfast I was watching, with an eagle eye, the construction crew work on our driveway. Of course they did't follow through as planned, so I used this time to place a few calls.
Jay got home, he crossly surveyed the work on our driveway, then the rest of the night was outside playing. Right before
dinner we were able to track down a late working foreman of the construction crew. We had a conversation with him to straighten things out. My confidence level is not high.

Emma was a trying little kid this afternoon. I think that there is another grown spirt coming on which usually means hard days for mom and tough nihts for mom and dad. Part of growing up. Among all of the whining, arguing and snottyness is a beautiful little girl and we are so lucky and at this point, we have been thankfully blessed twice.
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