With much pleading and coaxing, I asked Emma to be on good behavior and remember her manners today when we went to a friend of mines house. Generally when Emma is in good form Madz will follow so the conversation didn't have to be duplicated. We spent several hours today with my friend, 4 of her grandkids and some other relatives. We ate a little, chit chatted, etc. Generally avoiding the "elephant in the room" - my friend is riddled with lung cancer. She doesn't mind talking about it and she and I have a common "disease" bond. That is what you folks out there that do not have a disease cannot understand - and it is only when you, yourself have the disease can truly understand. But, she and I choose to spend time watching the little ones and enjoying life. It was fun AND, especially for having 6 kids under the age of 5 in the house playing, Emma and Madeline had good manners. (Super Mary, if you are reading this, I did escape unscathed....)
The long play time lead to a short nap so that we could get to Emma's gymnastics. Waking the kids up after a nap like that is pretty scary and I was reminded why. Maddie is pretty mellow all around, but Em was a piece of work.
My attempt at grilling burgers and brats and Emma's request failed when I couldn't initally get the grill going and on second attempt the propane went out. With intensly hungry and crabby kids I threw dinner on the stove. It came out pretty well.
We played outside for a while, came in for bedtime routine and a call to daddy - which will be part of the bedtime routine for a while - then negotiating with Emma why she cannot sleep on the living room floor and off to bed.
Throughout the day there are so many funny little things that happen or the girls say. I make a mental note to remember them to write here for your pleasure and for perhaps my pleasure of re-reading these one day. But of course, non-MS related, I cannot remember just how they went. Just that they brought smiles to my face.
Will have to make sure to indulge in an adult beverage in honor of Jay tomorrow night. This is the first time in 15 years that we haven't been togehter on his birthday...so sad.
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