Got a bit more see this morning. Read Madz a few books then heard the rumble of the work trucks moving in. Promptly at 7:32 the work began. So I decided that it was good enough time to make my call to the city about road/driveway questions.
My call was returned a short time later. And, as often happens with things that I don't really know a whole lot about, I start asking questions and not really sure what to ask next. But, I did my best having been coached by Don and by our neighbor accross th street who works for another city. I THINK that I got my questions answered. Brought Emma into school.
Madz and I just putzed around while Emma was in school. Today was a pretty cool windy day, so one that is not good enough to play at the park and we cannot spend money, so we made our own fun. Went to pick Em from school and I sat down with her teacher for our first "conference".
The conference are generally just meetings to find out if your kid is meeting the necessary things needed for school next year. She said that Emma is doing very, very well with her communications, her understanding of direction, her scissor skills, etc. She said that Emma is a very sensitive girl. A couple of times she has been brought to tears over, seemingly, nothing. She is particular about things, very artful and a nice girl around the other kids. Emma has a couple of friends in class that she has been friens with for a couple of years and they are like the "three musketeers", but she and the other teacher have worked with them to branch out to paly with the other kids. She can tell that Emma has a lot of skills in the academics. (Is she sure that she is talking about my kid??)
Came home for lunch, a little play and naps. During nap time, Jay called and said that he was asked to go out of town for the night (I cannot remember the name of the town right now) to fix a car wash. Because he would be getting lots of overtime, he went for it. We are bummed because he has been working so much lately.
When the girls woke up Jay had come home to pack and was gone already. They watched Seasme Street because, frankly, it was just too cold for me to be outside and I am a bit shy to "play" with my kids while I watch from the window inside.
We played around for a while, then the girls were content (for the most part) playing with each other. I could hear them playing house then school. It is so much fun to listen to them interact. Madeline can say so many things and understand almost all that Emma says to her. Madeline's new saying that she has is "No mom, I'm fine." She uses it in the right context and everything. She is one smart little bean. I think a lot of this is second child syndrome, but she can count past 10 - depends on her mood how far she will go, she can count to 10 in spanish and do the alphabet (alphabet is only in english - ha, ha)! Awesome!
I gave the girls their choice of two gourmet meals for dinner - hamberger helper or peanut butter and jelly. After dinner the girls did more playing and I picked things up a bit. Grandpa Al is coming over tomorrow morning and I don't want the house a total crap-hole, although he doesn't care.
The girls had baths, talked to daddy on the phone, then off to bed for Madz. Emma was up for a bit helping me do a shot. She wants to help with all of it, which we try to let her do. But, since this is a sub-dermal shot (under the skin) there is a special way to hold the injection device to make sure it doesn't go any further. It is tough for an adult and a kid could never have control, but we try and she is happy to feel like she helped.
We had a crisis at bed time for Em. She has two special blankets that she sleeps with. We can only find one of them. We searched everywhere!! Wasn't sure that we would ever get her to bed, but only an hour and 15 minutes past her bedtime she was suscessfully off to dreamland.