Jay, Madz and I got ready for church and left early to go to Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don's to eat a little yummy breakfast and pick up our little Em. To see the "reuniting" that Emma and Madeline has, you would think that they hadn't seen each other for weeks. They were so excited, it was very sweet. After catching up on the fun that Emma had the night before and stuffing our faces, we were off to church.
At some point around the time we went to church I developed a huge headache. There is something unsettling about having a conditin that effects the brain and having a headche. All that goes through your mind is "Does this mean something?" "Is this a normal headache?" And knowing that I was going to have to take some Tylenol later in the night before my shot, I didn't want to take any during the day. So, I just dealt with it.
Because we had such a large breakfast, we skipped McD's optioning to go home and play outside in the beautiful weather. Wh
at a great treat to have the day with daddy and we could play outside. We took out skooters, chalk, flew a kite and other riding toys. It was a great time and we did a little picking up around the yard too. And the house even smelled good with all of the windows open. Today, this state was tolerable, even with snow on the ground!
With my headache still pounding away, I was eager for nap time. We all layed down, and I was hoping with all of the fresh air the girls would be down for a while.
Madzie was ok with her usual short nap. And I woke up with the same damn headache. Ugh, I don't think I have ever had a migraine, but this seemed close. I am guessing that it is more sinus related or an upcoming sickness or something. As far as the MS goes, I feel fine. With this junk, you are always holding your breath.
Finally after dinner, couldn't stand the headache anymore and broke down and took a smaller dose of tylenol.
Jay learned today that he is leaving tomorrow morning for a full week out in South Dakota. It is a bummer and the girls and I are going to miss him so much. But, we are lucky th
at he has a job that just seems to be busier and busier. In this economy we are thankful. Still, counting the minutes until he gets home.
I need to call it a night. Still tired and have lots of little things to do tomorrow. We are so happy that sprig break is over for the district and we will be getting back to all of our classes starting tomrrow.
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