I hate falling into one of those really deep sleeps and knowing that I will be awoken shortly. I just dozed off a little here and there. Finally hopped out of bed at 7:00 to catch the Today show in Ireland. What a beautiful place! Too bad Matt Lauer wasn't there . . .
Emma didn't wake up again until 8:45. Awesome, except that left us only 15 minutes to get her dressed and breakfast and out the door for school. But we did it. Em said, without hesitation, "I am NOT wearing green today." Ok, whatever. The cute T-shirt will have to wait or another day.
A quick school drop off and on the the gym. I was only there for about 40 minutes as I had no desire to be there any longer. I was so very tired today, so I did the necessary and went to resuce my little babe.
Madz and I stopped at the dollar store for some discount snacks. I also found some Hannah Montana socks for Emma. Thought that might be a nice surprise for her.
Now, let me preface this ridiculous statement that was just made. Ever since we went to Aunt Nancy's house a few weeks ago. Emma leared from her cousin about Hannah Montana and has talked aout her like a best friend since then. Honestly, I still don't think she really has a clue of who she is.
After the grocery store and a quick vacuum out of my car we picked Emma up. We got to the car and I told her about her surprise. She was so excited! I told her that she could put them on when we got home as we were going straight home today. Well, obviously that was the wrong answer. That set her off into a huge tantrum. I could
have taken all of the groceries out of the car and found the damn socks, but I just wanted to get home. So, she screamed the whole way home. I calmly told her a couple of times that if she wasn't able to talk nicely to me she would have to wait until tomorrow to get her socks. Needless to say, she still does not have her socks.
We played outside and ate lunch outside. What a wonderful feeling!! Then it was nap time. Still pretty tired, I was going to rest a bit. But, I am getting close to finishing a good book (Jodi Piccoult is a great author) so I just enjoyed the peace and quiet.
The girls watched a bit of Seasme Street when they woke up, then got dressed for Emma's gymnastics where she got a great surprise of Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don coming to watch her. She did a great job and just loves to feel special when people come to watch her.
After gymnastics we went to Grandma Kims and Grandpa Don's house for some yu
mmy Rubens and play time. It was a nice distraction as the girls are really missing daddy (me too). Every time the phone rings , one of them will say "daddy?" or Madeline has gone into our room looking for him. They are also both a little bit more clingy then usual. I suppose, when they don't realize that daddy is working and has to do a little travel to make money, it is a little confusing. But, they talk to him a bunch of times throughout the day.
We are just thankful that we have a daddy that is missing us and wishes that he were here then almost anywhere else!
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