Today I was determined to be relaxing and no stress. In school (during Madeline's class there is a parent learning portion and on Thursday's Emma's clss has a parent portion), we have been being reminded of all of the techniques that there are to defuse/learn/grow through situation with your kids. So I figured today was as good a day as any to try some of them that I had not tried or wasn't sure would work.
The girls and I did not leave the house all day. That is so uusual for us. But, I wanted to get the house clean before Jay got home and also, it was just too damn cold to go outside. So we putzed around and finally made it out of our pajamas around 2pm, just in time for naps.
I finished laundry and making the bed - with CLEAN sheets, my favorite. Just as I was finishing making the bed, Jay came home!! Yeah! So awesome to get a nice big hug and to be close. Even after 15 years we still want to spend much of our time together!
The girls got up and groggily acquainted themselves with the fact daddy was home. They were so excited. But, relying on me for everything the past few weeks will be a hard habit to break.
Had a nice dinner together as a family, the girls were wrestling (I was laughing so hard. They were having the best time) then spent the evening playing playdough and coloring. Love having the comfort back in the house and having those that I love home!
Yesterday I had lunch with a friend of mine. She is a mom of some friends from hi
gh school. But, we have kept in touchperiodically over the years. My friend was diagnosed with lung cancer seeral years ago. This cancer is non-curable and very few treatments. I took the girls over to her house to visit and catch up. It was difficult to concentrate on talking about life with her because the kids wanted to rip everything off the walls and tables, but we had a long and very thoughtful disussion about life, living life and what the future holds. I told her about my MS. I didn't think twice about it, because she knew where I was coming from. Although the big difference and the difficulty that strikes you like a bolt of lightning is that she is going to die and will probably do so sooner rather then later. I will not and there are possiblities of a cure coming down the pipeline. It seems like someone is watching over me reminding me of the reasons to be thankful.
However, looking around my house this evening, I don't need many reminders.
1 comment:
Welcome "Home" Sonny......
you all sleep well
Love, M
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