The girls both slept in this morning. Madeline got up around 7:40 and Emma didn't get up until just af
ter 9:00!! Amazing!
We got moving and by the time we got out the door it was about 20 minutes later then what I had hoped which only meant that my workout would be that much shorter. Also, that is generally a pass to eat a little crappier that day since my workout won't count as much. I certainly didn't let down in that area! Oh well, worse things to worry about then a small ass!
Met Super Mary for a short workout and on to Madeline's class. As we left the club I suggested to Emma that she put on her coat and use her umbrella. But, she chose not to, then screamed all the way to Madeline's school that she was wet and needed to chage clothes. So sorry, honey!
School was so much fun. Such a joy for me! A great time to truly experience how old, how big and how smart Madeline is. Then made a stop at Grandma Kim and Grandpa Don's to make sure that the house was still standing and Cooper wasn't dead since I haven't heard from my sister all but once in th
e past 4 days!! Hummmm. Thankfully all was well and on to home for naps.
I tried to get a few little things done during nap time. Nothing really got done, I think that I really just made more of a mess.
After naps, I put somethings together for a evening date with Super Mary and her lovely little man, as her big man was also out of town. As always, we went there and had a terrific time. The kids played very well and Mary and I talked laughed and made jokes. I just love her so much! A wonderful friend!
I finally dragged my girls out of there pretty late so it was bedtime when we got home. Now, I need to be able to get there myself.
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