Took the girls out to a little outdoor concert at a park near our house. The man, Hans Meyer, did a lot of fun little kids songs and the girls really enjoyed it. Afterward, the girls said that they would like one of his CD's. As we stood in line, I vaguely heard one of the women ask his wife if Hans was doing ok. Could have sworn that I hear the word "MS" in there. Yep, when I got to the front of the line, his wife said that Hans has had MS for 15 years. It always seems like there is something or someone just around the corner ready to put you back in your place. I chatted with Hans for a moment. He said that he had been feeling good up until about 3 years ago and he had an episode and things have been on and off since. However, he just recently started drugs. He gave me a hug and said, "I am sorry" when I told him about my diagnosis. I decided right then and there that I do not like that "I am sorry" sentiment. What is there to be sorry for? Sorry that I got this disease and you are disease free? Sorry that you think life will be horrible with it? Sorry that life and things and ways in which you knew before will not be the same? It sounds like I was harboring anger, I am not (so to speak) as I am sure that I have used those words many times as well. I was just analyzing the thought of those words and how powerful they are and how it is so open ended when there is nothing that follows the "sorry..."

Last night was National Night Out. Another neighbor and I organized the gathering and it was a great time. The fire department visited and because I am the "block captain", I had to choose a few adults that could go up in the 100 foot ladder. That was awesome! And to see all of the green beautiul leaves from that height was really neat. We didn't get home until very late and the girls were exhausted.
Today Emma went shopping with Grandma Cheryl for some little accessories for her doll house. Madeline and I hit up a park. We met up later for some lunch then home for naps.
Today the city people were inally filling in the huge empty areas next to our driveway with sod. I was able to "ask"/"request" for an extra roll of sod for another area in the yard. So when poor Jay got home - late already - he cooked dinner, filled in the sod and did some other stuff around the house. Before we knew it bedtime was here!
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