Thursday, August 27, 2009

So, I am starting to realize that somewhere within the mid-30's you start to find out that life isn't just filled with puppy dogs, rainbows and sunny days. Obviously one of my biggest eye openers was last Oct when I was diagnosed with MS. But, since that time there have been so many people in my life that have been directly affected (or touched) by some scare or tragedy that has changed their lives. If not only for a day or a lifetime. Some of you who read this know who you are, and you are in my thoughts and prayers and others are always on my mind. Kind of one of those "oh shit" moments when you are certain that you are an adult but that no matter what life just goes on and on.

Yesterday was one of THOSE days! The girls were fighting all day and I was not able to get one thing done without about 10 extra steps involved. Today, on the other hand, was a complete opposite. The girls were great. No fighting, they listened, we had an awesome day at the pool (one of the last for the season - boo hoo), and the evening was just as great. Jay topped it off with a special night of smores. Awesome! I have decided that I need to start playing the lottery on a regular basis. Can't win if you don't play, right??

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