Got up early on Saturday to make it to my eyebrow waxing appointment. Ahhh, the bliss of sitting in the chair getting my little hairs ripped out. No really, it was relaxing. Not to mention taking care of some out of control little reacals.

Came home and the girls had woke up and Jay was up - and by that I mean his eyes were open, the rest of him not all there. But, we got right to work on some things around the house that needed to get done. Jay tried his hand at seeing how much work would have to go into replacing our windows. The windows (most of them) are so terrible that we aren't/weren't sure if we would have to be replacing a ton of wood as well. But, all went well and he is pretty much done with the first window in Madeline's new room. And oh my gosh, I can actually SEE out the window!! I continued doing some cleaning. Could have used several more hours in the day to get things done. Also had to do a little shopping for National Night Out on Tuesday.
During nap time I left to a baby shower for a friend of mine. There were quite a few people from high school there as well as some wives of friends from high school. It was fun to catch up with everyone. Traded phone numbers with some people who we would like to have playdates with sometime.
Enjoyed a nice night of hanging out and doing some relaxing as a family. It was great to have a whole day to ourselves. Haven't had a relaxing one like that for a while.
This morning I got up early because I told the neighbors that I would help them put the finish setting up for their gathering today. The scurried to get ready for church and came back to enjoy some of the party next door.
Nap time came around and I gladly enjoyed some time to lay down. I could have slept much longer then Madeline let me. But, it was nice. We went back over to the neighbors house for a drink as they were winding down from a whirlwind wedding weekend.
That is about it in a nutshell. I am feeling just fine and have been for quite a while. As much as I truly detest winter time, cold and all that comes with it, I am excited for October to come. In the world of MS (I am sure I have said this before) there is a school of thought in that the first 6 or 7 years of your disease will be a good guideline or determining factor for the progression of your diesease. Knowing that after the first episode when I was diagnosed I have felt great, it makes me eager to quickly get through the next 6 years. . . Either way, I am thankful for what I have now.
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