Sure, we could slim down on our buying list. People like grandma and grandpa say they don't want anything, my dad only wants a picture from the kids, and with most of the rest of the family we usually just buy for the little kiddos. Jay and I both agree that we are really blessed with everyone in our family and we would like to be able to give them something nice and special on Christmas.
So today, Jay shot off to quell any car wash emergencies that came up over the holiday and the kids and I went to the gym. I cut out one coupon for the day, but of course it was sold out already. Next stop was GNC. I had to pick up the Vitamin D tablets that Dr. Parry told me that I needed to start on. 400mg 3x per day until April. There is a lot of research coming out about the lack of vitamin D and MS. Then to Byerlys to walk around aimlessly trying to find something for dinner. Left with lunch, nothing for dinner. Home for naps.
Jay got home before the girls even woke up. He delivered to me all of the love notes for me that arrived today in the mail. I get a lot of them lately. My main admirer is Blue Cross/Blue Sheild. Today my envelope arrived STUFFED full of paperwork. I thought perhaps this is my walking papers or they were sending me a condolence letter. Neither. It was filled with about 8 sheets of paper billing me for ever little damn thing that I did at Methodist during the day of all of my tests at the end of Oct. The genuises at BCBS haven't yet streamlined their billing to include it all on one peice of paper. I am certain that I could cut down on their overhead with one swift move of less paper.
The girls got up and we ordered Thai food - one of Jay's favorites. Plopped down in front of the tv to watch the awesome Polar Express. Emma was just enthrawled with the movie. As you can see from the picture above, Maz would take a few minutes to watch the movie, then experiment with other ways to use her toys.
So glad it is the weekend to be togther as a family!
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