Yes, the first snow of the year is nice. It is the thought that about six months from now I will want to jump into a snow bank and not come up. Ugh. Although one thing about this morning that made it different was the fun and giggles that came out of the girls when they saw the snow.
After a quick meeting this morning for a council that I am on, I took the girls to the health club that I recently joined. It is not one of the fancy clubs, and very, very inexpensive, so it is just bare bones. I mean really, some of the other places are really grand, but who the hell wants to put full make up on and have to lose 20 pounds BEFORE you even go to the club. I dropped the girls in their care center, which was very hard for me to do, and worked out for an hour. Nothing too tough, just enough to make my ass burn. I started to hear Madeline cry, so I quickly changed clothes, gathered my kids and headed for the toy store.
We quickly chose a gift for a birthday party tomorrow and headed home for lunch and nap time. Whomever came up with the old addage "terrible twos" never had to partake in constant negotiations with a 3 1/2 year old.
The girlies slept for a record amount of time. I was able to rest and to get some things done around the house. I had to field a couple of calls today between the Avonex manufacturers and the "specialty" pharmacy. The novalty of all this special attention wears off so very quickly. Although the pharmacy did tell me that I will have to pay approx $35 per month for a drug that costs just over $2400 per month.
Jay got home and asked if I paid a bill that was due. I said no and he wondered what I did with the money that he had left for that this morning. Well, bought a birthday present for the party, of course! I say that tongue and cheek. He did leave cash this morning, however he neglected to mention that it was to pay for this bill. I suppose I should have known better. Jay having to take 3 1/2 days off last pay period put things even more tight around the castle. Such is life.
Made a delicious, gourmet dinner of Crunchy Taco Hamberger Helper, scrubbed up some messy girls in the tub, read books and put them to bed.
There are always reminders through each day, when you look, how lucky you really are. This evening gave me a reminder that there are people out there who do not have a place with those who work hard to be good people. That is why us good people need to work just a bit harder to stand out sometimes.
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