I figured out that I was so over tired and worn out during the day yesterday because when I took some cold medicine (which I never do, by the way) I accidentially took "night time" medicine. That might explain why I was so groggy and had "medicine head".
The girls have booth been sleeping in pretty well these days. I tired to make Madz shade in her room close a little better to keep the sun out. It seems to be doing the trick - so far.
We took a road trip to BFE today - i.e. White Bear Lake. A good college friend of mine lives there and we wanted our kids to play. My friend has an Au Pair from Germany and she helped to watch the kids while we chatted and got lunch ready. Although Emma felt the need to stay attached to my hip. My friend has a boy and a girl just slightly older then Emma, but that didn't spark her interest much.
By the time we left it was past nap time and close to rush hour. And I was almost out of gas.... The girls slept in the car and I am sure that I could have forced them down for a nap when I got home but it was late, so they stayed up until Madz gymnastics.
Came home and played and ate. Just got done discussing with Emma the reasons why she is suddenly scared to sleep down in her room all by herself. All of her other friends homes that I have actually been to are newer then ours so all of the rooms are on one level, so I was having a hard time convincing her. Besides we are going to start working on moving Maddie's bedroom down next to hers. Although lately she doesn't like much of anything - the summer park program that she is to start tomorrow - "I don't want to do that", Vacation Bible School (she LOVES regular bible school) - "I am not going to church", Soccer (she has been talking about doing that for months) - "I am not doing that". The only thing she wants to do lately is go to the pool and start dance lessons (and T-ball and tennis, but we haven't signed her up for those). It must be damn hard to be 4!
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